Finally a new blog post

Wow I’ve neglected this blog. I’ll be honest, after the last post, my life kind of got flipped on it’s head and my depression got so bad I had to get medicated. My mom had a life altering stroke, my partner and I were in the middle of a custody battle for his son because he was living in unsafe conditions (we won, he’s safe now). Things were just not good, and I wasn’t doing well. I’ve always been really open with you all about my life because I think it’s wrong to put on a front for my social media.

With all of that happening, I spiraled. There were days where I just cried and couldn’t put my heart into much of anything. It took a lot of work and soul searching to get myself out of that hole. I am not going to say “back to normal” because, I didn’t go back to anything. The things I went through changed me as a person, I grew from the things I went through. Taking care of your mental health can be really hard, and really scary, but do it. It’s your responsibility to make sure you are okay. Sometimes you just feel terrible, and that’s honestly okay, it means you’re alive.

A lot has changed since all of this stuff started, but honestly, I’ve put a lot more of my heart into things now that I have addressed the shit I was going through. I can’t wait to get to my first event of the year so I can put some pictures of my new booth set up here for you guys that read this to see!